Who We Are

All About The DGDC Ltd.

Established and wholly owned by the Government of Dominica.

Our mission is to increase the use of renewable energy in the provision of cheaper electricity by the responsible exploitation of Dominica’s geothermal resource.

Dominica Geothermal Development Company Limited is a special purpose vehicle established by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica to lead all activities relating to geothermal exploration in Dominica. Registered in December 2016, with a Board of Directors appointed in March 2017, DGDC Ltd. became operational with a full complement of staff in June 2017.

At present, the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica is the sole shareholder. Its interests are ably monitored by three shareholder representatives in the offices of the Financial Secretary, Secretary to the Cabinet and the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Trade, Energy & Employment.


We are a Conscientious Implementing Agency
Who is Respectful of Their Partners

The members of the DDGC team champion fundamental values that earn them the respect of their
partners and the communities that host their projects.

We build solid relationships with our external stakeholders, including financing partners and local communities, suppliers and service providers, as well as government and regulatory agencies – successful partnerships that will form the foundation of our long-term success. Internally, we promote a culture of teamwork and cooperation among our employees.
We encourage, and value open bidirectional communication with our stakeholders, and we strive to provide complete and accurate information on our activities and our performance that is easily accessible to the public.
We are accountable to our stakeholders for the economic, social, and environmental impacts of the sites we develop and operate, as well as the energy we produce. We are also accountable for the successful implementation of our business plan and the achievement of our established objectives.
We are guided in our decisions by a set of clear principles which ensure that our values and actions are congruent. These principles are articulated in a series of policies.

HomesPowered by Clean Geothermal Energy Sources


kilowattsThe Production Capacity of Geothermal Power Plant


MonthsThe Project's Anticipated Construction Timescale


$ MillionDominica's Government Investment Commitment to the Project


Our Awesome Staff

  • Office Attendant – Ms. Beverly Langford
  • Finance and Human Resources Manager – Ms. Rita Destouches-Edmund
  • Safeguards & Geoscience Officer
  • Project Support Engineer: Electrical – Mr. Rawlins Bruney
  • Project Support Engineer: Mechanical – Mr. Dalton Eloi
  • Community Liaison Officer – Mr. Allan Toussaint
  • Site & Office Attendant – Mr. Garry Shillingford
  • Program Support Team Lead – Ms. Shisha Birmingham
  • Program Support Officer – Mr. Sylvester Jno Baptiste

Board of Directors

  • Mr. Fred John – Chairman
  • Dr. Eddie Scotland – Secretary
  • Mr. Nelson Pierre

ESIA: Non-Technical Summary

Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides an overview, in plain language, of the main findings of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

  • Version 2.0
  • 3.89 MB