
The DGDC's Grievance Mechanism


Working Proactively Towards Preventing Grievances

A grievance can be defined as an actual or perceived problem that might give grounds for complaint. As a general policy, Dominica Geothermal Development Company Ltd (DGDC) will work proactively towards preventing grievances through the implementation of mitigation measures (as identified by the ESIA) and liaising with the community. These activities are designed to anticipate and address potential issues before they become grievances. This will be the responsibility of the Project Manager and the Community Liaison Officer(CLO).

Each affected person is free to register a grievance, in accordance with procedures specified below. The grievance process focuses on first identifying whether the grievance can be addressed through additional communication between the complainant and members of the Project Team, or by providing additional information to the complainant.  If the grievance cannot be resolved internally, the Project Team will then seek to resolve the grievance through mediation by local authorities, and finally, if a resolution cannot be reached, through judicial appeal.

The sections below consider types of grievances that may arise, confidentiality and anonymity, and the Project’s grievance resolution process.
The grievance mechanism covers the various aspects of the Project, including:
  • The Project in general, including planning, construction and operation
  • The process of environmental impact assessment; and
  • The compensation and resettlement processes.

Type of Grievances

Potential impacts and effects that are most likely to give
rise to grievances for this Project include:
  • Land acquisition / resettlement;
  • Noise of construction works;
  • Presence, and potential disruption, of the construction labour force and the effects on communities, local services and infrastructure;
  • Community health and safety in relation to impacts of increased traffic on nearby residents;
  • Visual intrusion (construction and operation);
  • Congestion of and access to local ports (construction and operation);
  • Damage to surrounding natural environment (construction and operation);
  • Disappointment related to expectations about employment from the Project.
Anyone can submit a grievance to the Project if they believe it is causing a detrimental impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. They may also submit comments and suggestions. Grievances could include:
  • Negative impacts on a person or a community (e.g. financial loss, physical harm, nuisance);
  • Dangers to health and safety or the environment;
  • Failure of the DGDC, its sub-contractors and their workers or drivers to comply with standards or legal obligations;
  • Harassment of any nature;
  • Criminal activity;
  • Improper conduct or unethical behaviour;
  • Financial malpractice, impropriety or fraud; and
  • Attempts to conceal any of the above.
During construction, grievances will be investigated by DGDC and the CLO to determine the validity and associated responsibility. The CLO will explain in writing (or where, literacy is an issue, orally) the way the review was carried out, the results of the review, any changes to activities that will be undertaken to address the grievance and how the issue will be managed to meet appropriate environmental and social management systems requirements.

Stages of Your Grievance

The procedure for lodging grievances and their resolution will be included in
appropriate Project communication materials such as non-technical summaries or the Project.

Registration & treatment

of complaint

Complaint is registered and acknowledgement by the DGDC, after internal examination a solution is proposed

Mediation by Local

If the complainant is not satisfied with the solution, it is sent to the DGDC Board who will examine the case.

Appeal Through the

Courts System

If the complainant is not satisfied with the Board's solution, then complainant or the DGDC refers to local courts.

ESIA: Non-Technical Summary

Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides an overview, in plain language, of the main findings of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

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